When the exes attack!. . .

Relationships in college are kind of a joke, let’s be honest. How many people in this day and age are faithful in the real world let alone in college! But are certain people meant to be together? I believe that everything happens for a reason and that the people that come into your life are always there to teach you something. Sometimes they help you to grow and sometimes you are the one who must help them uncover something new about themselves.

Are we all just passing ships in the night? Meant to meet for a bit and then float a drift? This is the current life crisis I am attempting to figure out. Yes, you guessed it, an ex texted me on my birthday and how could I not read into that?! After two years is that even something they are entitled to do?

Sometimes people change for the better or for worse. Sometimes people need to get worse before they get better. Maybe sometimes the best way to handle a situation is to roll with the waves and see where it takes you. Do we fall more in love with the idea of the person or with the actual person? These are all great advice but where have they actually gotten me into figuring out what is best for me?

For now I will have to just see where this new twist in life leads me. Having an old friend who knows your ins and outs is actually kind of nice. I have never been one for believing exes could be friends but maybe time and maturity will change that… Or maybe we will go back to the bickering 20 year olds we always were, only time will tell!

Click the link to see some hilarious texts from exes that is sure to brighten your day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV9lRp3LtnU

About Me . . .

So I wanted to start off this blog with a little background on myself so that readers at home can get a little taste of who I really am. I am your average single college girl, (maybe a bit more sassy than people would normally appreciate) veins full of coffee and wine as I trying to muster my way through the maze that is college with the hopes of eventually graduating with my sanity.

College is supposed to be the best four years of your life right? A place where you can go wild and mess up with no consequences? Boy, have I taken that advice and run with it. Hot mess express pulling up to the station now as we speak. My life seems to be a string of crazy events and embarrassing moments that even my friends probably wouldn’t believe happened, except luckily they have been there to witness most of them.

College is definitely a time to make as many mistakes as possible (that seems to be another one of my talents) yet most people seem to forget that fact. With all these social media sites and posting your daily life events 24/7 people have managed to create this fake perfect world about their “lives” to impress everyone else and make them feel inferior. College is a great time to just be a complete (excuse my french) shitshow and I intend to share my mess of a life on this blog, the good, the bad and the ugly.

My goal for this blog is to be able to start a conversation about all the things in college that people seem to forget about, from the nights out that you ended up crying on the bathroom floor to the overall feeling of loneliness that comes with the college experience. College is an insane roller coaster, you never know when it is going to twist and turn, go up or down but I plan to share my experiences and some of my friends experiences in the hopes that it helps at least one person feel less alone as they tackle the life changing experience we call “college”. (Plus who doesn’t like reading about someone else’s train wreck life right?)
