
I am just your average single college girl, chock full of sarcasm, coffee and wine ready to share my wild adventures with the world. I have a great group of friends by my side always ready to enable my bad decisions and my glass of wine is always full (I am an optimist like that).

My life philosophy is that everything happens for a reason. That reason is never really quite clear and usually ends up with me in an embarrassing situation but hey it’s character building right? That’s what I tell myself at least. Either way I am going to keep on keeping on, because if you haven’t at least blacked out on a Monday did you even college?

I love meeting interesting people and collecting their stories, from inspirational friends who have pulled themselves out of homelessness to crazy people from concerts who work on Wall Street, you never know who may be just around the bend. Life is all about the mark that you leave on this world. Whether that mark be on just one person or millions, each day you have the opportunity to help the world become a better place. I believe that sharing people’s amazing stories, experiences and struggles is just the beginning of how you can help them leave a mark on this world.

By posting my accomplishments and mistakes I can only hope to save at least one poor soul from going through some of the same embarrassing moments I have managed to live through. I also hope to inspire more people to realize that ordinary people do extraordinary things all the time, you just need to look away from your iPhone screen to see it. Sharing pictures on Instagram is all fine and dandy but let’s get back to the times where you could only save a moment in your memory because you were too busy living life in the moment to take a picture. From boy problems to finals week breakdowns I don’t plan on changing any moment of my crazy life because in order to be old and wise I have to be young and crazy (Yes I just used country lyrics like a basic white bitch, no shame!).

“I’m not really a bitch,
I just play one in your life'”

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