College in a Nutshell. . .

Up until this point, college has been a painfully uphill battle for me. I used to fight myself everyday to stay in school because in the end I knew that you need a degree to be successful in life. I used to hate going to classes, even though I kept my 4.0 GPA and I would use my hatred for college as an excuse to drink myself silly on the weekends.Even though I am graduating early and only spending 3 years in college, so far it had seemed like the longest 3 years of my life. Lately, maybe because the end is drawing near for me or because I am finally settled in here at Coastal, being in college doesn’t seem so bad anymore. These are some tips to help you get through those rough patches when you are thinking about quitting school and joining the circus has become your only other option:

  1. Join clubs. I know that everyone and their mother tells you to join clubs when you get to college and clubs might have been dumb in high school but they are definitely the best thing in the world in college. Ever since I joined the club Field Hockey team here, I have had a steady group of great friends that only gets bigger every time I go out. It even gave me the confidence to join a marketing club and become the secretary!
  2. Get active.Going to the gym is a great way to meet new happy people. The gym is always packed with new people and it is a great place to make new friends.
  3. Talk to people in class.
    I am a really introverted person and I hate talking in class. It took me the entire semester to start talking to people on the last day who I am now still friends with! I never made that mistake again. You never know who people know or where you will see them outside of class so make an effort to talk to the people around you and make friends. I promise they won’t bite.
  4. Attend sporting events.
    Show some school pride and meet new people while you are at it! Tailgates, basketball games, baseball games the opportunity to see sporting events is endless and they are usually attended by friendly students who love showing off their school pride.
  5. Get a job.
    Yup, you heard me get a J-O-B. This might sound horrible on top of all your homework but on campus jobs are usually pretty easy and flexible with your schedule. Jobs are a great way to meet people and if your job is good, usually so are your co-workers.

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