
Recently I went on a date (granted I haven’t been on a date in a while) but I did not think the dating world had changed that much… Boy was I wrong. I thought we would possibly go to dinner and movie? Nope, I was wrong. I tried to take a nice stroll on the beach… that lasted 5 seconds. We decided to try and see some live music but where did we end up on this first date you ask? On the couch, where I could have been by myself but instead now felt the pressure to entertain.

Dating has really evolved into something quite interesting over the past few years. With all these women’s movements about being seen equal to men, the idea of women “sleeping around” is no longer as much of a taboo as it used to be. College culture is also seen as a great time to “experiment” and hooking up with random people every weekend just seems like a common cultural practice.

What happened to taking a girl out on the first date? What happened to the staple of dinner and a movie or a picnic? Can a date with “netflix and chill” even be considered a date? All these hookup apps and sites like Tinder or Plenty of Fish do not really help the situation either. It seems like taking someone on an actual date without the thought of getting anything in return except good company is too serious for most people now a days.

So here’s a little tip to the guys out there, real dates need to make a comeback asap. Sitting on the couch not talking and watching a movie does not count as a date. Expecting something from a girl because you took her to dinner is also not acceptable.

Here is what should be happening, people should be spending less time focused on how hot the person they are seeing is because they want to brag about their hookup and focus on getting to know people’s personalities. It really isn’t that hard to invest a few minutes into talking with someone to get to know them. If you don’t like their personality but you think they are nice to look at that is probably not a good sign for your date or possible relationship. We need to stop considering “Netflix and chill” as a real date and work on being creative for dates. You could picnic on the beach, go play mini golf, do anything other than just sitting around watching dumb movies and waiting for the other person to make a move. If we keep adding to this hookup culture, it is only going to get worse. I for one will not partake in this and I think I will go back to my wine on the couch until the guys my age decide mature…. I might be there a while.

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