Tips to Surviving Midterms

You are sitting in class, spaced out when the dreaded word “midterm” immediately pulls you out of your daze. What?! When did that happen?! Last time you checked it was only the first week of September! Don’t panic, here’s some tips and advice to survive the midterm week slump and make it through to the second half of the semester:

1.Start studying well before the date of your exam. As a procrastinator myself I can tell you that cramming does not work! Start looking at your class notes and power points about 1 to 2 weeks before the test date so that you have time to space out studying the material and ask the professor about any questions you might have.

2.Study each subject for a little bit everyday or every other day. If you only study one class for an extended period of time you might end up over studying and have a brain fart on the exam or end up slacking in another class. Studying the material bit by bit helps keep you focused on the material and not get too bored from reading the same material over and over again.

3.Pick healthy snacks over sugary snacks. Healthy snacks like apples, carrots and popcorn will have a better effect on your energy levels while studying than sugary ones. Sugary foods like chocolate, potato chips and energy drinks make you feel tired and crash half way through your study session.

4.Don’t be afraid to take a break while studying. Your brain needs breaks every so often like any other muscle in your body. If you overwork your brain you will not be able to study efficiently. Choose to take smart breaks like a 20-minute power nap to recharge or go for a run, but do not watch television or go on the internet as a break. The internet is a black hole that can suck you in for hours on end without you even realizing!

5. Figure out which ways that you study best. Some study techniques include flash cards, creating study guides or reading from the textbook. Finding out which ways are easiest for you to learn and remember the material so that you can study more efficiently.

6.Don’t panic! Do your best with studying! If you put in the time and the effort and your grades will reflect it. Go into your test with only positive thoughts about the amazing grade you are going to get. Negative thoughts will only cause you to mess up and second-guess yourself.

7.Celebrate! You made it through midterms! Only half the semester to go, so take a little break and celebrate the end is in sight!

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