Having “Those” Parents on Breaks. . .

Growing up I thought my parents were the best. They were always looking out for me and had my best interest in mind. I had an early curfew, I was always on time for things and they always had to know where I was going and who I was with. Only when I got to college did I realize I have helicopter parents. Helicopter parents are defined as “a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children.” Basically a parent who shelters their child just a little (*cough* A LOT *cough*) too much. Being away at college and living on your own gives you as much freedom as you want. You make your own rules. You can decide to eat cookies for breakfast or maybe have a liquid breakfast (if you catch my drift). There are no curfews when you are living by yourself, you are responsible for making sure you accomplish all the important tasks in life and the rest of your free time is yours to make of what you want.

After having this unbridled freedom for such an extended period of time, going home and living with your parents again can cause some issues. Going home for breaks is usually a great time to catch up with family, have a break from the stress of school and see old high school friends. You get to see you hometown, eat in your favorite hometown restaurants and make some new memories with old friends. Every once and a while, however, this bliss is broken by the fact that you remember when you go home you have to listen to those “house rules” again.

Parents make you eat full healthy meals (not just cookies or fermented grapes). Parents don’t like when you sleep in till 3 p.m. on a Saturday for some reason and when you are awake they want you to spend all of your time with them. Most of all helicopter parents love curfews. Most of your friends won’t have curfews but if you have helicopter parents you will forever be the first kid to leave a party just like in high school. It’s a fact that will not change no matter how old you get, so you may as well just accept it now.

I have been home on enough breaks to know that helicopter parents just want the best for you and they are still looking out for your best interest. It maybe hard to go home with all the “rules” and follow them after having so much freedom but breaks don’t last forever. Getting irritated and fighting over the rules will get you no where, parents will always see you as their little baby. Make your life easy by just listening to what your parents want you to do (they are probably paying for your tuition and food anyway) and you can get back to your rebellious lifestyle of cake for breakfast and cereal for dinner in no time.

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