7 Tips to Surviving the Week Before Going Home

It is the middle of the semester and you are loving life, you couldn’t imagine ever wanting to go home. . . Then the week before a break hits and you don’t think you have ever felt this homesick in your life!

You lose motivation for classes and homework and the only thing on your mind is counting down the minutes till you get to leave campus to go home. Your mind is filled with home cooked meals, your own bed and getting a mental break from the stresses of living at school. Mostly, you just can’t wait to sleep for a week straight and catch up on all the sleep you missed during the semester. Here are some tips to make sure you stay on track in school and don’t lose your mind the week before you go on break:

1. Get a head start on your homework the week before the week you are supposed to go home

This way when the lack of motivation hits you can spend that time day dreaming about home without your grades suffering. By starting you homework early, you also get more free time the week before you leave to hangout with friends!

2. Try to start any large assignments that will be due when you get back from break

The traveling home can be exhausting and you will want to catch up on some sleep when you get back, not pull all nighters doing last minute assignments. Use time management and work on some assignments before you leave, you will thank yourself in the long run.

3. Stay attentive in class

Think about all the hard work you have put in throughout the semester and tell yourself it is only a few more days until break. Try not to skip classes and use absences just because you have mentally checked-out. Teachers still have important information to teach the week before a break. Go to all your classes and before you know it, it will be break!

4. Don’t pack last minuteAs the queen of procrastination I can tell you that packing 5 minutes before you are supposed to leave is not ideal. Even though I tell myself to start packing earlier than the 5 minutes before I am supposed to leave I never do and I always end up forgetting things. Take some time during the week and concentrate on packing so that you don’t end up forgetting essential items!

5. Make a playlist Long flights or drives can make it seem like getting home is impossible, make yourself a playlist to keep you going through a long flight or drive with all your favorite songs. Playlists can make the trek home seem less exhausting and more like an adventure!

6.  Make sure if you are taking a long drive your car is up-to-date on inspections and oil changesOne of the worst feelings in the world is just wanting to get home and crawl into your own bed, then halfway through the drive your car breaks down. A car break down can cost a lot of money and waste a lot of time. You deserve a stress free break, so make sure to take your car into a shop and get the oil changed the week before a long drive or take it into be serviced if a service it due. It can save you stress, time and money in the long run.

7. Make sure to print out all travel and flight tickets ahead of timePrinting out tickets and flight information in advance can save you from any last minute scrambling and make you miss your flight. It is also a lot easier to print your ticket at home than wait and have to deal with the airport kiosks. While waiting for your flight, make sure to keep loved ones up-dated on any delays or cancellations that may delay your arrival time.

Try to survive the week before a break! If you stay on top of your work and travel plans it will make your break a lot less stressful! Travel safe!

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