5 Tips to Surviving a Day Off in College

Every once and a blue moon class will get canceled for a snow or rain day and it is imperative to be ready with all the necessary equipment to tough out the storm. A day off can be filled with memories you will never forget with friends and classmates if you are correctly prepared! These are some tips to help you make the best of an unexpected day off:

1. Stock up on food a few days before you know a storm is going to hit

You may have thought you heard me say I wanted a lot of bacon and eggs, but what I said was: Give me all the bacon and eggs you have. - You may have thought you heard me say I wanted a lot of bacon and eggs, but what I said was: Give me all the bacon and eggs you have. Ron Swanson Meal

It is really important to have a solid food stock in your pantry in case you get snowed or flooded in for a few days (plus snacks always make watching good movies better). I know you will probably only want to pick out your favorite junk food but try to throw some hearty foods in there like soup as well.

2. Make sure your Netflix queue has all your favorite classics and some new shows you have been dying to try

Now is your time to sit on the couch and do absolutely nothing without feeling guilty about it! Use that time wisely, you don’t want to be spending precious hours looking through all the possible Netflix options. Have a few shows and movies picked out and ready to watch.

3. Grab some board games

In the worst case scenario when the power goes out, make sure to have some board games or cards games around to keep yourself occupied. Plus if you go looking down the hall and ask people to join in you never know who you might meet! Board games on a snow day are a great way to make new friends and step away from all the electronics for a few hours.

4. Fully charge all electronics before the store hits

The worst part of a storm is having no cell phone to call if you need help. Make sure to charge your phone, computer, tablet and any other possible devices you might need in case the power goes out. Since no one learns phone numbers these days, a dead phone can be dangerous, so write down a few important emergency contacts on a piece of paper just in case.

5. Make the most of your day and hangout with friends

Call up all your buddies and spend the day hanging out with out the normal stresses of college. The homework can wait till tomorrow but the memories you might make on a day off can’t! Days off only happen once a year if you are lucky, so seize the moment!

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