To Stay Single or to Cuff, That is The Question. . .

So what is the deal with this whole cuffing season thing? Have people in this century forgotten that you are allowed to be alone? Being single and happy is not a crime, just for the record.

I am sure just about everyone in college has heard about this anonymous app Yik Yak and if you are like me, you are constantly checking it to make sure no one witnessed you eat shit on the sidewalk while on campus but lately all the posts are about relationships and this idea of a “cuffing season”.

Let me define “cuffing season” for those who might be out of touch with this youngster lingo; “cuffing season” is usually a period during the fall and winter months when people get into relationships so that they have someone to cuddle with until the world thaws out for spring and we can break out those bikini bodies and go back to being single. Basically getting cuffed is usually settling with someone for 4 or 5 months because you are too lazy to go out and put in any effort to meet new people and you blame it on the cold weather.

I’m sorry but does anyone else find this utterly ridiculous?! First of all, I go to school in the south so those “cold temperatures” are all of 40 degrees, which is not cold in case you were wondering (just put on a jacket!!). Secondly, what’s the big perk of being in a relationship and having to deal with someone else’s shit? I can barely make sure that my life is together on a daily basis and now I have to deal with another human being’s life?

It’s kind of upsetting that a lot of our college culture today is based around getting into a relationship. I mean if you go up to a group of girls on campus I promise you 80% of their conversations are about boys and reading their mixed signals. Why can’t we all just focus on the fact that we are in college getting a better education with tons of amazing opportunities from internships to meeting awesome new people in clubs? This heavy focus on not wanting to be alone must be stopped immediately!

Being single is awesome! You can do whatever you want, whenever you want (within reason of course).  You can explore the world, take naps on your own schedule and most of all you don’t have to share your food! (Yes, that dinner for two is just for me and no I will not be needing a second set of silverware.) College is about finding yourself through new friends and experiences so let’s lose the cuffing season and get back to throwing huge football parties on Monday nights with friends!

I am not saying all relationships are a waste, I just want people to stop putting such a heavy focus on them. Relationships are great and it is nice to have someone there when you need them but all this pressure to be in a relationship all the time is a lot of mental strain. Let’s put an end the age of Netflix and chill!

To learn more about the horrendous cuffing season epidemic that is plaguing our society please click the link

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